298 research outputs found

    Imagining Education: Educational Policy and the Labor Earnings Distribution

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    This paper simulates, within a partial equilibrium framework, the scenarios resulting from the implementation of several educational policies. Then, policies are compared according to their hypothetical results in terms of labor earnings inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient. Results suggest that educational policies which attempt to guarantee medium qualification produce the lowest inequality even if dispersion in schooling years is high. Policies which attempt to raise tertiary education coverage but do not raise high school coverage as well, lead to rising inequality.Educational policy, economic inequality, schooling.

    Imagining Education: Educational Policy and the Labor Earnings Distribution

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    This paper simulates, within a partial equilibrium framework, the scenarios resulting form the implementation of several educational policies. Then, policies are compared according to their hypothetical results in terms of labor earnings inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient. Results suggest that educational policies which attempt to guarantee medium qualification produce the lowest inequality even if dispersion in schooling years is high. Policies which attempt to raise tertiary education coverage but do not raise high school coverage as well, lead to rising inequality.Educational policy, economic inequality, schooling

    The Consequences of Abortion and Contraception Policies on Young Women\u27s Reproductive Choices, Schooling and Labor Supply

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    I evaluate the effects of regulations that limit the availability of abortion services, as well as the impact of policies that subsidize contraception, on abortion and contraceptive choices of young women and on their life-cycle fertility, schooling and labor supply. I specify and structurally estimate a dynamic life-cycle model of abortion, contraceptive use, schooling and labor supply decisions using data from the NLSY97 combined with aggregate abortion provider data from the Guttmacher Institute. Variation across time and space in state-specific regulations and in the availability of abortion providers at the county level provides a valuable source of identification for the model parameters. My estimation approach allows for underreporting of abortions by NLSY respondents. Policy simulations show that restrictions on abortions increase contraceptive use, which moderates the effect of abortion restrictions on birth rates. Eliminating access to abortion services has significant effects on women\u27s schooling and lifetime earnings. The average effect of restricting access to abortion on lifetime welfare is small, but there is substantial heterogeneity in welfare losses across women. As an alternative to abortion restrictions, I find that providing free contraception would increase contraceptive use and decrease abortion rates substantially

    Aumento de la participación femenina en Colombia : ¿Fecundidad, estado civil o educación?

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    La participación laboral femenina en las zonas urbanas ha aumentado de manera sustancial en Colombia, y ha pasado de cerca del 47% en 1984 al 65% en 2006. Descomponemos el aumento en la participación en lo que corresponde a aumentos en la tasa de participación de los diferentes subgrupos (que se definen según las variables más relevantes, que son en este caso logro educativo, estado civil y fecundidad) y cambios en la composición de la población. El aumento en la participación está jalonado por el aumento en las tasas de participación de las mujeres que están casadas o en unión libre, y de mujeres de bajo nivel educativo. La fecundidad contribuye menos a explicar el fenómeno. Los cambios en la composición de la población por niveles educativos también explican una porción sustancial, mientras que el efecto de los cambios en la composición de la población en términos de estado civil o fecundidad es muy pequeño.Colombia has experienced a secular increase in the labor participation of urban women, going from nearly 47% in 1984 to 65% in 2006. We decompose the evolution of participation into changes in the composition of the population and changes in the participation rates by groups (defined according to the variables that appear most relevant: educational attainment, fertility and marital status). The increase in participation is driven by the increase in the participation rate of married or cohabiting women and women with low educational attainment. Fertility status appears to be less important. Changes in the population composition by educational attainment are also relevant in explaining the increase in participation. However, changes in composition by marital status or fertility are second order effects

    Appropriation of ICT in the educational field: approach to public policy in Colombia years 2000-2019

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    This work document presents an approach to the appropriation of Colombian public   policy related to the ICTs in the educational field, during the period of        2000 thru 2019. After a walkthrough to the scenario of international initiatives for the           implementation of ICTs in schools, some theoretical approaches are presented that configure what in this work has been named the field of digital appropriation in education, which oriented the analysis of data. Subsequently, the analytical results of the public policy milestone documents during the aforementioned period are presented; as well as the testimonies of stakeholders, showing an underlying instrumental digital literacy logic, subordinated to the market, that does not seem to allow the generation of digital culture from the        school. Amongst other aspects, it is concluded that, despite the investment made in connectivity and equipment provisioning, public policy has not transformed the practices of educational actors

    Integración de criterios ambientales en el diseño de los módulos naturpanel aljibe® para fachadas vegetadas.

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    Esta comunicación es el resultado de las actividades desarrolladas en el proyecto ?SOS Natura, Soluciones Arquitectónicas Vegetales? dentro del programa INNPACTO del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España. El objetivo general del proyecto es el desarrollo, por parte de Intemper, de una nueva solución de fachada vegetada con el fin de mejorar la eficiencia energética y reducir los impactos ambientales de los edificios a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. El proyecto propone un sistema de envolvente vegetada del edificio cuyo componente principal está formado por los módulos Naturpanel Aljibe® diseñados para contener en su interior el sustrato necesario para el desarrollo de la vegetación suspendida en la fachada del edificio. Por parte Intemper se deseaba reforzar la imagen de sostenibilidad incorporando criterios ambientales en la selección de los materiales de dichos módulos, ya que constituyen el elemento central de la propuesta de fachada. Durante el proceso de selección de materiales se incluyó el perfil ambiental de las distintas soluciones con el objeto de asistir en la toma de decisiones. En esta comunicación se presenta el proceso de selección del material que supone el menor impacto ambiental cumpliendo en todo momento con los requisitos técnicos y de desempeño impuestos a los módulos. Palabras claves: Análisis de ciclo de vida, ecodiseño, construcción sostenible, fachadas vegetales

    Desarrollo de una aplicación informática para el cálculo automatizado de indicadores ambientales en actividades agrícolas a partir de los cuadernos digitales de explotación.

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    En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un módulo informático capaz de calcular automáticamente la huella de carbono generada por una explotación agrícola, teniendo en cuenta los gases emitidos desde la fabricación de insumos y extracción de materias primas hasta la producción del cultivo. Este módulo se integrará en la aplicación CROPTI, una startup de base tecnológica que ayuda a los agricultores a cumplimentar diferentes estándares de trazabilidad. El procedimiento lógico que se ha elaborado para el cálculo de la huella de carbono consta de dos fases: en primer lugar, se realiza un pre-análisis de los datos brutos, obtenidos de los demás módulos de la herramienta informática, para filtrarlos y depurarlos con el fin de utilizar datos consistentes; seguidamente el software calcula la huella de carbono producida por el cultivo objetivo, en el caso de este proyecto ha sido la cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.). Los resultados se han comparado con artículos científicos directamente relacionados

    Environmental Assessment of a HYSOL CSP Plant Compared to a Conventional Tower CSP Plant

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the environmental performance of a Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plant based on HYSOL technology. The plant under investigation is a solar tower system with 14 hours thermal energy storage using biomethane as auxiliary fuel and using a 100 MWe steam turbine and a 80 MWe gas turbine in the combined cycle (Brayton and Rankine) characteristic of the HYSOL technology. The results evidence that HYSOL technology performs significantly better in environmental terms than conventional CSP. This evidence is particularly relevant in the climate change category where HYSOL plants presents 43.0 kg CO2 eq /MWh. In contrast, the hybrid CSP plant operating with natural gas emits 370 kg CO2 eq /MWh. This difference is attributable primarily to the nature of the auxiliary fuel (biomethane in HYSOL and natural gas in conventional CSP), but also to the higher thermal efficiencies achieved in the HYSOL configuration, which prevents the emission of 106 kg CO2 eq /MWh. The environmental significance of the additional components and infrastructure associated with the Brayton cycle in the HYSOL technology (gas turbine, Heat Recovery System and Low Temperature Energy Storage) are negligible

    Implementación de red telefónica de voz sobre IP para instituto Nicaragüense de Aeronáutica civil

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    En el presente informe lo que plantea realizar es el aprovechamiento de la red de datos existentes en la institución para la instalación de la telefonía de VoIP, de esta manera realizar el levantamiento de requerimiento de INAC